Blog It Forward with Wayfair

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We hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend. We spent 5 solid days hanging out with our families, it was wonderful. It was the first time we celebrated a holiday with both sides of our families at the same time, without having to run all over town. And I’m so happy we get to continue the celebrations and holiday celebrations. Let the Christmas festivities begin!!


We all have so much to be thankful for. So we are excited to be partnering up with Wayfair for the month of December to pay it forward, to help spread the holiday cheer. For every blog that participates in the challenge, Wayfair will donate $50 to Habitat for Humanity so I challenge all of you bloggers out there to grab a badge and #BlogItForward. More details HERE. 

Blog It Forward with Wayfair 1

Every Tuesday, for the month of December, we will be talking about ways we are going to challenge ourselves to pay it forward. One way we blog it forward is by taking 5 minutes in the mornings and starting our very first email out by being grateful. We set an alert to remind ourselves to thank someone, and let someone know how much we are appreciate them. Yes, there are days life gets in the way, but we really try to be diligent. Starting our day off right, being in a positive mindset, helps us to be productive throughout our day. We challenge all of you for the month of December to give it a try and see how your mind is set for the day!

Giving back can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, grabbing someone a cup of coffee, or giving someone a great big hug. For every blog that includes the badge, Wayfair will donate $50 to Habitat for Humanity.

The Blog it Forward challenge will end December 31st, though we encourage everyone to keep spreading acts of kindness beyond that. Now go grab a badge and spread the love!

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