1st Curtain Attempt

1st Curtain Attempt 1

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Time to start helping Jamie decorate his new house!

First thing I always want when moving into a new place is curtains. I feel they instantly add so much to a home. Instead of buying curtains I thought I would try to make them.

I went to SR Harris Fabric outlet and spent a good time searching through all of the different colors and patterns. The options there are endless. I ended up going with a dark blue fabric to help accent his bluish gray walls and the overall blue/gray he’s doing throughout his first home.

So here it is…my first attempt at making curtains for Jamie’s bedroom. All I did was get the fabric long and wide enough to cover the windows and barely scrape the floors, folder over the sides and sewed down all the seems to give it a nice look with clean edges. Flipped the top over wide enough to fit a curtain rod through and sewed it down to create that loop at the top. And ta-da! Super simple and saved a lot of costs.






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