DIY Industrial Style Table

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DIY Industrial Style Table

The Snappy Happy Tables…

We just finished up our first desk for Snap Agency and we’re pretty excited about it. After a few fires we had to put out we finally got ourselves an industrial rustic style table that we are pretty proud of!


Snap is wanting to bring a more industrial feel into their office space so what better thing to help do that than all wood rustic style tables.

We were very excited when they asked us to make the tables! We first started with a desk for my manager. He wanted a 36X72 table, 30″ tall with metal legs, no drawers. Pretty basic.

Jamie started by taking pine 2×4’s and securing the boards to one another with wood glue and screwing them into place.


You need to be careful that the boards aren’t being warped as you move from board to board. Having a level table to work on and using the c-clamps help not warp the boards.


Once all of the boards were screwed together into place, we measured the boards and sawed off the edges to make the wood flush.


Then Jamie framed the outside of the table with pine 2×4’s to give it a finished look.


We used a kreg jig to screw the frame into place. Those kreg jig’s are so much fun to use! Jamie recently just showed me how to use one and they are pretty fun. If you do any furniture making, these things are a must!


We let the table dry and secure into place for a few days. Then we gave it a good sanding and beat the table with chains and torched it to give it that rustic look.

construction2style burning a table to make it look old

Once we got it beat up enough, we stained the table with a walnut stain and finished it with polycrilic.

construction2style wood table

We used metal legs that we picked up from a local hardware supply store. Jamie welded a frame under the table and welded the legs to the frame.

Snap Table 1

Here is is, our industrial rustic style desk all set up in the office.  What do you think?

Snap Table 3

One down…a lot more to go!! Along with a few conference tables. We can’t wait to show you the finished look in the Agency with the new tables!!

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17 thoughts on “DIY Industrial Style Table

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