Greyson has some pretty exciting news to share! It’s official, we’re on our way to become a family of 4. 14 weeks along and we’ll be welcoming our little bundle this spring. Jamie and I just heard our little’s heartbeat today, there’s seriously no better sound. I wish we could have laid there all day listening to our new little creation.
It’s been a rough first trimester. And people that told me you really “pop” with the 2nd…holy bonkers! There’s no hiding this baby bump! I broke out my maternity clothes at eight weeks, haha! No joke. Besides the clothes, I’ve been basically doing everything I can to not let my head hit the ground. I’ve been so exhausted and, although I haven’t thrown up, I’ve been feeling pretty nauseous everyday. Ugh.
Ok, I think I’m probably scaring all of our readers that haven’t had a baby, but the first question people always ask is how do you feel. And that’s the truth! The good news is I am FINALLY feeling better now that I’m into the 2nd trimester. I can now get back to working my pants off again and enjoying this little dude now that my sicky feeling has gone away. God Bless Jesus!
We’re just going to soak up all the moments with this little munchkin. We can’t get enough of his sweet kisses, and we’re going to continue to eat him up for the next six months.
It’s so crazy to see the joy in this little boys eyes over the simple things like a feather. We just love him so much we seriously can’t imagine another little mini G or loving another little child as much. Isn’t that awful? But we seriously can’t. We just keep dreaming and laughing about what this next little dude or gal is going to be like. And how Grey will love on and play with them or with our luck… be a little punk of an older brother. haha!
He is super excited to be a big brother! Even though he probably has no idea what that means….
We can’t wait to find out in a couple months if we’ll be having another little mini Jamie or me and share our journey with you guys along the way.
G is literally daddy’s little min. Literally everything daddy does, Greyson does. It melts my heart. It would be so fun to see Greyson have a little brother, but a girl would be super fun and different too.
Ya! Ya! for new adventures! Can’t wait for what’s ahead in 2017. Life is so good.
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