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VBAC vs C-section: Solange’s Birth Story

December 31, 2023
vbac vs c-section: Solange's Birth Story

If you find yourself debating about a VBAC after a C-section, know that you’re not alone. I’m here for you, as I recently went through that same experience. VBAC vs…

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5 Ways to Spring Clean and Involve the Family

May 1, 2023
spring cleaning

A huge thank you to Wayfair for sponsoring today’s post.  Happy first week of spring! And you guys know how excited I am because that means this prego momma officially…


A Child is Born | Giselle’s Birth Story

December 26, 2022
A Child is Born | Giselle's Birth Story 19

And just like that our Giselle is 8 weeks old. Some of you remember my stories at 37 weeks of cartwheels, chiropractor visits, acupuncture and burning that special Chinese medicine…