Can’t believe our little man is turning one this week! Here I go with the mom cliche things to say but seriously, where is the time going?! Month after month it just feels like life is flying by faster and faster.
It feels like yesterday we were welcoming him into this crazy world.
For the last couple weeks, Jamie and I have been going back through old videos and photos reminiscing about our little guys.
Beckam’s starting to talk and almost walk and Greyson just has a full grown mans attitude, so it has felt like our babies aren’t such babies anymore.
We’re both taking the day off Thursday for Beckam’s actual birthday, and we’re still not sure what we’re going to do to celebrate with him so if you have any ideas leave a comment and let us know. And then this weekend we’re going to have some family and friends over, and we’re doing a taco and margarita theme, I mean, of course, that’s what a one-year-old wants! Haha!
Beckam, you bring so much joy to mommy and daddy it’s insane.
You’re such a happy boy, always laughing and smiling. Our favorite is when Greyson wakes you up every morning and crawls into your crib with you. We can hear you guys chuckling and laughing for a good 30 minutes before you’re screaming for us to wake up and come play. Your chuckle is my favorite thing in the world and the way you look at your brother with so much love.
You’re now waving and saying “buh, bye.” You’ve been saying “momma” for awhile now, and you just said “dadadadada” last week. You’re not quite walking yet. You have no interest in even trying, but you are crawling like a madman chasing your brother around. We can’t even begin to imagine what it’s going to be like when you’re up on the dirt bikes like your brother chasing after him. You took your first dirtbike ride with daddy this past weekend and you were smiling big the entire time. We have no doubt you’re going to follow in G-man’s path. I’m already super nervous about that!
You have 5 teeth, you’re obsessed with bananas and string cheese, and I can’t even count how many blowout stains we have on our carpet because of you. Ha! Anytime someone carries you they usually make a comment about how “big” you are. ha! But we wouldn’t have it any other one. You’re our little chunk of love.
Every day we count our lucky stars for you baby boy. We can’t wait to see the little guy you become. Your personality is starting to shine through, and we have no doubt you are going to be the sweetest little thing and make this world a better place.
We love you Beck-man! You’ll forever and always be my baby boy, don’t you ever forget that (even when you’re a grown man!).