It’s crazy to think it’s been 2 1/2 years since we did one of these posts. And I have to say, our gender reveal was a lot more fun and thought out last time around. I guess they are right when they say you start slacking with the more kids you have. We’re off to a bad start already and we’re only on #2, haha!
Last time we had the nursery done, had all of our family and friends over and revealed Greyson through the decor in his room. This time…well, I haven’t even thought for a second about getting the nursery ready, let alone anything this momma or baby needs. So we’re just sticking to some good old painting fun in the shop. Sorry baby. Haha!
We found the gender out on Tuesday, we were so excited we practically jumped out of bed! Props to those mommas who can wait it out. I have no idea how you do it. According to our 5 Month Baby Bumping post on Monday, 66% of the votes thought it was going to be a girl.
And this time around we’re having a… (drum roll please)
Bring on more dirt bikes, tractors, motors, and noise! We are so, so excited! People keep asking us what we wanted or if we have an inkling about what we’re having. Honestly, all we wanted was a healthy baby. I know that is what everyone says but it is so true. We’ve had more than a handful of friends lose their babies this past year, and I just cannot imagine the pain. My heart hurts so much just thinking about them. I wake up in awe every single day wondering how in the world are we creating this little being. It truly blows my mind. We’re so grateful and will love the crap outta these little dudes.
We are so excited for Greyson to have a little guy to hang out with. We can’t even imagine how much fun it’s going to be to watch him be a big brother. It’s already so much fun to watch him play with his little cousins. Jamie and his brother are really good friends, they hang out almost every weekend. So I know Jamie wanted Greyson to have that same relationship and memories with another little dude running around. And they’re going to be about the same age gap apart too. Let’s just hope they like each other!
Greyson’s masterpiece…
So now it looks like we might not be stopping after baby #2 like Jamie was planning being it’s another boy and all…haha! Which works for me! I’ve always wanted four kids and Jamie has wanted two. So I was kinda thinking well, if we have another boy, maybe, just maybe he can meet me at three.
Say hello to our little guy. His profile already looks identical to Greyson’s, it’s so funny. Now onto the names part! We had a long list for girls but none for boys so it looks like we’re going back to the drawing board.
We can’t wait to show you what we do with the nursery! I have a bad feeling we might not even start on it until after he’s even born. Haha! These last few months are going to fly by, because I’m not sure where the first 22 weeks just went.
How about you guys? We’d love to hear your stories! How did you find out the gender and tell your friends and family?
Now onto the nursery…
Haha, Thank you Karrie!!
Yes! I was right!! Boys are so fun!! Congratulations!!