Another one of our absolute favorite days happened. Our second baby boy came into this mad crazy world, and we are head over heels.
Everyone say hello to Beckam William Molitor. He came Wednesday, May 3rd at 8:30 am, weighing 9 pounds and 7 ounces, 22 inches long. We named Beckam after his daddy and Jamie’s two grandfathers. Jamie’s middle name is William, his mom’s dad was named William, and his dad’s dad’s middle name was William as well. So as you can tell, William is a very loved name and person within his family. We couldn’t be more honored to carry on their legacy through Beckam.
We knew we were going to have a big baby since I measured five weeks ahead almost the entire time, so that was no surprise. What was a surprise was that we had a c-section scheduled and of course, something had to go a little wrong. They had to put me completely under, but ya know what if that was the worst that could have happened so be it. Daddy got to hold him in his arms for the first hour or so until I came to, so they got to share the special moments. For some reason, my spinal tap wasn’t working, and after two injections I could still feel everything, which is why we decided to let the doctors put me under. As soon as I came to, the first thing the nurses said was how adorable and healthy my new baby boy was, and I almost died. “He’s waiting for his mommy,” they said. And I couldn’t have them roll me into the room fast enough! And they were right, he was one hungry little guy. haha!
What a whirlwind of emotions that I’m sure I’ll elaborate on more in a later post over on Twin Cities Moms Blog. But until then here’s some of his first day photos we wanted to share, taken by our dear friend Chelsie Lopez.
We’ll keep it short; we just wanted to introduce the little guy to you quick because we got some serious snuggling to do…
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