Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts + Giveaway!

Plumbing Do's and Don'ts + Giveaway!

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Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. All opinions and feedback are our own. Thanks for reading and supporting construction2style.

The last thing any of us need to happen this holiday season, on top of the stresses that everything else brings this time of year, is a backed-up toilet or a clogged sink. That’s why we’re excited today to be partnering up with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing to give some of you $500 in plumbing services. 

Holiday or not, we have heard one too many plumbing nightmares from homeowners and we can’t recommend these guys enough. I have so much respect for plumbers, as they do not have an easy job.

From blockage in pipes to water breaks, leaks, or doing all of the rough-in and plumbing work behind our jobs, it takes time, patience, and talent. Something I would never be up for, that’s for sure.

So today we wanted to share some do’s and don’ts when it comes to your plumbing fixtures! 

Plumbing Do's and Don'ts + Giveaway! Kitchen sink

Garbage Disposals (Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts)

This is a big one during busy times, which is typically the holiday season as you’re entertaining more than just your family and oftentimes there are other cooks in the kitchen that think disposals can be used for everything. 


  • Don’t toss bones into your disposal.
  • Potato peels, banana peels, and other starchy foods can paste and clog your drain.
  • Coffee grounds and eggshells can accumulate and clog. 
  • Fat and grease that coats your drain lines and create odors. 
  • Pasta, rice, and other foods can expand in the drain and clog. 


  • Citrus peels, can help clean and deodorize your drain. 
  • Small scraps that are biodegradable. 
  • Small bones, like fish and chicken bones, can go quickly through the inside. 

Plumbing Do's and Don'ts + Giveaway! Kitchen

Cleaning your Disposal

This is one I often forget to do. The easiest way to clean your disposal is to first, start by tossing a handful of ice cubes down your disposal.

This can remove scraps that are stuck under the disposal blades. Ice cubes also sharpen your blades! Then toss some citrus peels such as lemons or oranges.

This will also help to get rid of any odors. Or you can also simply toss some vinegar and water down your drain, or what we recommend is all of the above. 

  • Ice Cubes
  • Citrus Peels
  • Vinegar

Unclogging Sinks (Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts)

Even better than unclogging a sink is avoiding it altogether. Ways to do this is what we mentioned above, don’t put things down your drain that shouldn’t be.

And also, don’t put chemicals down your drain that can over time can corrode your pipes. But if and when you need to, the first thing you can do is mix equal parts of vinegar and baking soda with warm water and let it run through.

Plungers are also another great way to unclog your sink. Plungers aren’t just for your toilets! Fill your sink with a few inches of water, and plunge away. 

  • Vinegar and baking soda
  • Plunger

Plumbing Do's and Don'ts + Giveaway! 1

Prevent Toilet Issues (Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts)

Just like cleaning your drain, the same thing goes with the toilet – avoid using avoid harsh chemicals and instead try to use natural or mild cleaners.

You should also be checking your water shut-off valve regularly. This is the valve under and behind your toilet, which stops the water supply to your toilet.

If you try to turn it and feel resistance it’s time to call your plumber! This could mean you have a faulty valve. And as you probably know, avoid flushing anything that is not toilet paper, no matter what the package or label says.

  • Avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Check the water shut-off valve.
  • Avoid flushing anything that’s not toilet paper.

Plumbing Do's and Don'ts + Giveaway! 2

Testing Water Pressure (Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts)

This is a big one for our clients and usually one of the first few questions they ask when we are doing design selections, they want good water pressure! And we all know we want to give that to our guests too when they’re coming in for the holidays.

The easiest way to check water pressure is by buying a pressure gauge from your local hardware store. In general, you want household plumbing to provide be anywhere between 40 to 60 psi.

You can also simply check the pressure by turning on the faucets in your bathroom and then flushing the toilet. Watch the water flow on your faucets and if it drops down when the toilet flushes, it’s time to contact your local plumber.

Water pressure increases when your water is heated – so you should also look at your water heater. Homes on wells have water pressure switches and gauges to set water pressure (usually at 40 to 60 psi).

If your pressure is out of the set range, again – it’s time to contact your plumber. And sometimes, your shower head just needs a good cleaning as calcium deposits and bacteria build up easily on these fixtures.

  • Buying a pressure gauge.
  • Test at your water heater. 
  • Turn on faucets, and flush your toilet.
  • Clean your shower head!

Enter Giveaway

The best part about Benjamin Franklins Plumbing is that they offer 24/ 7 emergency services, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, they don’t charge after-hour fees, and even work weekends and holidays. And best of all, they pay you $5 for every minute they are late.

That’s still so wild to me! They will come to your house, with extra safety precautions in place, to make sure your kitchen, bathroom, or any other part of your plumbing is in tip-top shape. 

CLICK HERE TO ENTER TO WIN and you can CLICK HERE to find a location that services your zip code.

The contest is open for entries through December 31, 2021. Once the contest closes, the winner will be announced and contacted by January 11, 2022. Winners must be located in a zip code where Benjamin Franklin Plumbing services are available.

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