Happy Sunday! Our Family Day.
We typically don’t post on the weekends, but lately we’ve been getting so many inquiries about our work/life balance I only thought it was fitting for a Sunday post on how we balance it all because Sunday is family time plus balancing the work ahead (during nap times).
I recently posted over on Twin Cities Moms Blog about how to balance life and work. In that post I chatted about how Sundays are my days to prepare for the work week ahead. So, in today’s post, I’m going to break down exactly what our Sundays look like.
Mornings – Getting Ready for the Day
As I mentioned this past week, we are trying to do our best to make absolutely no plans on Sunday except with each other. We have such a busy and crazy week that we want to keep our Sundays to family and do whatever we feel like doing. It’s pretty awesome.
I always try to wake up before our little G man wakes up, to give me some time to ensure all of my blog posts are ready to go for the week. I have to have all of our content in draft mode by Saturday/Sunday for our copy editor, who also happens to be my lovely cousin Noelle Campbell, can make sure to go through them all to get rid of all my spelling errors. Ha! (how did I do this without her!?)
Once the monster wakes up (our little G man), daddy and G usually spend the next hour watching the motocross race from the night before while mommy can continue blogging.
It is so adorable and funny. Greyson will literally not watch any cartoons, or TV for that matter, except for motocross. He’ll sit on his daddy’s lap every Sunday morning and watch the entire race with him. He’s 18 months, and for him to already love the same sport as his dad, just amazes me. He brings the motocross remote or DVD to daddy. Not any other day of the week, but Sundays…it’s weird and awesome how much we control their routines and shape their lives.
Daddy is typically makes breakfast while I’m chatting his ear off about what he wants to eat for the rest of the week (my meal prep time) or asking questions about our tutorials on the blog. And then we batter back and forth on going to church or live streaming it online. (The power of technology)…makes us lazy, but I love it!
Meal Prep
I always like to spend some time looking at recipes and laying out our meals for the work week. I always think I’m going to try new recipes, but I find myself sticking with our typical stir-frys for dinner and enough leftovers for our lunches. Depending on the Sunday we have planned depends on if I go and get all of the groceries on Sunday. Sometimes I like to get them Monday after I pick Greyson up from daycare since his daycare is right by the store, and Mondays are way less busy than Sunday shopping.

Hang Time
Depending on the weather and the mood we’re in, always determines what we do for the day. Usually almost 99% of the time you can find us at grandma and grandpa’s house, in the shop, or watch daddy ride his dirt bike at the track (at their house), or on the golf course. Unless the weather is bad, we usually do something outside.
The shop is probably another blog post, but it’s a pretty magical spot so let’s chat. When I met Jamie he was living at his parents house.
Once upon a time….he nonchalantly told me we were going to his parents house….
I FREAKED OUT. I know- me, right?! But, yes- I was freaking out that he just sprung it on me.
Long story short, we pulled into…what I thought was a castle…and his parents were figure skating together. Noone else, just them two.
The rest was history. I immediately thought, if this is your role models- I want to be that.
Dinner time – Bath time – G’s Bed time
Around 5:00 we always wind down for the day. Sit down for family dinner, followed by a bath for G man and he’s in bed by 7. Once the lights are out for G it is our schedule, chill, and Netflix time.
Schedule – Schedule – Schedule
My favorite part of the day, and key part for a successful work week ahead, scheduling out our week.
I chatted about this in my Twin Cities Moms Blog post about how a good planner is key. I’m obsessed with my Erin Condren paper planner. I write literally everything down in this planner. If you’re like me and always have a million things popping into your head throughout the day, I immediately write it down and come back to that idea at another time when I can clearly focus. Jamie and I have our daily, monthly, yearly to-do’s and goals in this planner. It is the best way to help us both stay organized and on top of what we have set out to accomplish.
The key to our successful work week is sitting down together and determining what we need to get done for clients, any events we’re going to, figure out if we need to line up any sitters, determine who is dropping G off and picking him up each day, and what we’re having for dinner each day/night of the week. It is also the perfect time to reflect on the previous week and look back to see if we had a good week, missed any deadlines, needed to rearrange any deliverables for our clients, and/or send them any updates on their project.
Once we have our work week scheduled out, we sit back and watch our favorite show on Netflix before going to bed at 9. I love this time of the day, it gives me peace of mind for the work week ahead and I honestly feel like I sleep better because I know I’m going to wake up Monday morning knowing exactly what I need to get done.
So, yeah, that’s our Sunday Funday! Hope you can take a tip or two and incorporate it into your life to help keep your work week stress free while doing-it-all. Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful Sunday!
J + M