Running out of things to do with your kids about right now? Us too! So we’ve been on the hunt for some fun new crafts to try out and wanted to share with you all too if you’re in the same boat.
Kinetic Sand
Our boys loooove kinetic sand, and I have to say…I’m pretty obsessed myself. If you haven’t tried it, RUN. It’s fascinating. And we can’t wait to make more of it with this DIY tutorial.
Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder
Well, being we’re all going to have toilet paper on hand to last us a lifetime, here’s a fun project for you once that roll is gone…haha…a toilet paper roll bird feeder.
Our boys love watching wildlife in our yard. Half the time, they are teaching me what something means about each animal, and it always continues to amaze me with how smart they are and all the knowledge they absorb. This is a DIY project we’re adding to our list. I already know how excited they’ll get to see animals coming up to eat something they made.
Seasonal Scented Play Dough
Our boys are always leaving their Playdough out to dry, which means we go through it fast and waste a lot of money. Until now, because we have decided to start making our own! This is such a simple and inexpensive way to make some with your kids because they’ll love making it as much as playing with it. Plus it’s fun to walk through with your kids and teach them just how things are made. And for fun, we always add in different drops of essential oils to bring a little fun scent into the season.
Cloud Dough
I wasn’t quite sure what cloud dough was, but this looks like something our boys would love to play with. And maybe mom too! Is it weird that I love sensory things that my boys do?! And you can make this with two ingredients you probably already have at home…conditioner and corn starch.
How to Make Slime
If it were up to Greyson, he’d be cooking up slime every day! And he is very protective of not letting his little brother get into it. All with three simple ingredients and makes for loads fun!
Edible Pudding Slime
What better than a toy that your kids can actually eat?! Being kids like to taste anything regardless, might as well make it edible. And I am a sucker for Banana cream pudding; it brings me back to my childhood. So many fun things you can make just by adding a little cornstarch.
DIY Bouncy Balls
DIY bouncy balls, say whaaaat?! As you know, Greyson is all about making slime, and this doesn’t look too far off from that recipe. But they bounce? We’re really excited to try this out with the boys this week. We’ll let you know how it goes!
Homemade Paint
From painting their toys to their cars, furniture, to art projects, our little dudes love to paint! So much that we can’t keep up with having paint on hand. So we decided to start making it ourselves. Not only has it saved a ton of money, but Greyson and Beckam love making it. And the ingredients are things we always have on hand for cooking, so it makes it extra convenient.
Puffy Paint
Ever since we figured out how to make our own paint, I haven’t bought paint since. And our boys are painting machines. I just came across this DIY tutorial on how to make puffy paint, just by adding a little shaving cream. And how fun does this look?! Can’t wait to try this out next! I already know the boys will have a blast making and using it!