It seems this past month has been the change with our family in a lot of ways.
Our oldest, Greyson turned eight on September 22nd, Ellie, our youngest and our last turns two TODAY (insert all the tears), and our middle Beckam started Kindergarten.
And Ellie even started daycare full-time!
This is the first time in eight years that I haven’t had a baby by my side one of the five work weekdays. However, it does feel good to finally have a consistent routine.
And we’ve been embracing new rituals and routines in our family in this new season of life.
I can’t even stand how grown up they look, and act too. And it seems Ellie is growing up too fast too, watching closely and playing with these big brothers of hers.
With every new season of life, it often feels like we start some new routines, but this season it has felt extra special and has been happening naturally for us, as a growing family.
Some of which is our bedtime routine, which has been making for a lot smoother ride come morning and getting out the door.
The night prior, as a family, we all get the house clean, toys picked up and their outfits for the following day laid out. We get the backpacks, water bottles, and coffee prepped.
And once morning hits – it’s feet on the floor for Mom and Dad and we’ve been getting up and at it before the kids even wake up, to get a workout in and our minds right. I’ve even been doing a bit of writing, if time allows before the babies are awake.
We’ve also been more intentional about having family meals together every night and ending with a family game, once Ellie goes to bed. Our current favorites are cards against humanity, family edition, and the card game, golf.
Just by those two simple activities each night, I can already see a shift in our boys’ mindset.
I can hardly stand how grown up these boys look and act and we couldn’t be more proud of the little boys they’re evolving into.
As Greyson is eight, some of his favorite things to do is ride dirt bike and play with his VR. He’s still a little shy about going to school, but every day after we pick him up, he always says he had a good day.
Beckam, who turned 5 this past May, loves his dirt bike, going on bike rides, is still into make-believe play solo, loves school and his teacher, and runs right in! And has already made a few “best friends.”
And our sweet little Ellie-girl, who is two today, looooves getting her hair done, loves her daycare, her friends and teachers, bouncing on the tramp with her brothers, and going on car rides.
And on top of changes with our family, we have a lot of new changes going on with c2s. We have moved out of our old office location, and are moving into our new one the next week.
We have grown personally and professionally as a team and within our roles. We are in the midst of a couple of new business adventures.
Our brand is continuously evolving for the better! We’re learning every day how to become stronger, more efficient, and better as a whole – from the work we put out to the work behind the scenes.
Our resilienc2reform, has officially moved into a non-profit and we have a new teammate and leader running the show over there.
Kayla recently had a baby, and Anya is about to welcome hers any day.
I’m working on a coffee table book!
As I always say and remind our family and team, life is a gift! While we’re ending this year strong – we’re also taking in each day and each moment.
Don’t wait until tomorrow to make some changes either it is personally or professionally – make the change now and make each day count. Can’t wait to see where every new day will take us and what the next year will bring.