And just like that, another year has flown by! 2022 was a whirlwind for us and our family.
The good, the bad, ups and the downs, smiles and frowns. It was a mixture of all of the emotions.
This year proved to be, not only for our family but our entire team – wins and losses, celebrations, disappointments, growth, excitement, and lessons learned. But as I continue to say every year, it was our best and my most favorite year yet!
It feels as if we’re just getting started. One thing we set out for at the beginning of this year was growth, both personally and professionally.
Whatever that may look like. And we did just that. We’re excited to keep moving forward stronger together into 2023!
One step at a time.
It’s always good to reflect back on the year. And this year we’re taking our Christmas cards virtual.
So here’s a little recap of 2022. Family first…
Greyson, our oldest, entered into second grade and is still our most sensitive, intentional, sweet, quiet, and calm, shy guy. He’s heavy into VR (virtual reality), Xbox, and Nintendo, while always wanting to explore the outdoors whether that’s with his dirt bike, BMX bike, or skis.
Beckam, our middle wild child, started Kindergarten this year and is loving every minute of it. Even though he has to give us three hugs at drop-off before he’ll walk into the actual building.
He has the most imaginative mind and self-plays all day long on his days off. And the questions he asks us on the daily, cease to amaze us, and most we’re not even sure how to answer or where he came up with them.
Alongside his brother, he loves to ride dirt bike, and this was the first summer we took his training wheels off.
Our sweet Ellie girl officially started daycare full-time at a Christian daycare (the same daycare the boys went to) and adores her teachers and new friends. She is miss independent.
Our family calls her “boss baby” – because she schools us all, and doesn’t let her brothers get away with anything. Every morning at 7 AM she’s getting herself dressed, boots and backpack on, and wants to get into Daddy’s truck, without any help.
She always has the biggest cheeeeesssseee on her face for any iPhone pictures, but when a professional photographer comes around (see photos below) she freezes. And we already know Ellie girl will be on the dirt bikes come next summer, as she wasn’t far behind them this summer, but riding with mom or dad.
All of our babies are obsessed with their in-door trampoline. And we have not been regretting adding a sport court onto our home a couple years back.
That’s where you can find us hibernated all winter long. There’s not a night that we don’t all end up on the tramp together before bed.
While we hate that time is slipping away, we do our best to never take one single day for granted. We can’t wait to see where our babies take this life of theirs!
As for Jamie, myself and our team … this was the first year we both invested into ourselves, family, and our team. Both emotionally and financially.
I kicked off the year with a self-wellness retreat in Costa Rica, with my Root and River Goddess babes. I always said once we were done having babies (tubes are officially tied) – I was going to do a trip just for me. And I did just that.
It was the first time I was away from both Jamie and our babies for that long, granted it was only seven days. While I missed my family like crazy, it was the perfect way to start the New Year.
We had some big goals for this year, both personally and professionally, and while we had a lot of growing pains – we achieved what we set out to do for 2022. We bought a construction2style office building (more details here) in Brooklyn Park, a more central location for our clients and team.
We’re currently building and working on our first custom spec home in Edina, which will be on the market for sale come spring of 2023. We grew our team and added on a few new team members.
It was our first summer with our in-ground pool, and were able to stay home a lot more with our family to make a lifetime of unforgettable memories. There wasn’t a weekend it wasn’t filled with family and friends despite the weather.
Jamie and I also hired a business coach, which was pretty much a therapist. We worked deeply with her throughout this past year talking about both personal, family and business processes and life decisions.
It was one of the best things we’ve ever invested in together. After Jamie and I worked through what we needed to, she worked with our leadership team here at c2s.
We both had to make some tough life and business decisions this year, which wasn’t easy, but it has already only led to living a better life. Although we worked hard this year and tears were shed along the way, we also enjoyed life to its fullest!
We golfed regularly, hit the slopes, pool, lake, and ocean waves, and we were fortunate to travel to Nashville, California, Florida, and Wisconsin. Both for work and play!
We grew construction2style nationally as we worked on a handful of new client design projects and marketing conferences. We also joined partnerships with a couple of national builders on a new business adventure called, Contractor Coalition Summit.
Which has all led to a ton of new friendships, partnerships, and opportunities. We’ve been reworking our non-profit, resilience2reform and we have a couple of new exciting things to share with new business adventures come the new year.
As our word was “growth” for this previous year, we decided to come up with a few of our own moving into 2023. Jamie’s are: Connection, Breakthrough, Gratitude, Money.
And mine are: Strength, Self Care, Family, Change. 2023, let’s gooooooo!!
We’re so grateful for each and every one of you. For showing up to support our family and team, your love and friendship.
We couldn’t do what we do without each and every one of you. Sending you all the positive vibes, love, health, and good energy!
2022, thanks for a wild ride! We pray you all continue to shine your bright light moving into this, what is going to be, a fabulous New Year!
You’re the best Carol!! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. Excited for you to get your c2s goodies. 🙂 XO Missing Roseau this season!
Merry Christmas Morgan and Jamie