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Friendsgiving Fashion Guide

October 8, 2022
Friendsgiving Fashion Guide 1

Friendsgiving Outfits: Celebrating in Style and Thinking Outside the Box Friendsgiving is the perfect blend of friendship and Thanksgiving, a special time to gather with your chosen family and celebrate…

Design + Build

How To Mix Patterns For Throw Pillows

June 11, 2020
How To Mix Patterns For Throw Pillows 19

Hi everyone! My name is Laura Mitchell, and I’m interning for construction2style this summer! Probably like many of you, I came across Morgan on Instagram. I was immediately drawn to…

resilience2reform, Our Non-Profit

Your Comments on c2s.. | Noah’s Story

April 26, 2020
Your Comments on c2s.. | Noah Bergland | construction2style

Hey guys, Noah here. I just wanted to let you know that your comments and direct messages, from you the readers and community of construction2style, mean the world to me….

Design + Build

Marie Kondo Folding: How To Do It & Why

March 10, 2020
Marie Kondo Folding: How To Do It & Why 28

You might have heard some of the buzz going around. Everyone has been recently obsessed with learning how to fold and tidy up with the now-famous Marie Kondo. Of course,…