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Design + Build

How to Identify Asbestos During Home Remodels

November 27, 2015

Asbestos can be found in your home within a number of places. According to Conney and Conway, it is typically uncovered in a building’s roofing, shingles and siding; old insulation;…

Design + Build

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2015

We are SO incredibly thankful for all of you! We pray you have the happiest weekend with those you love. Enjoy every moment. We are going to be busy working on…

Design + Build

Party Planning with Hallmark

November 22, 2015

Tis the season for parties! I absolutely love the holidays and I love party planning. Between our blog workshops, family cookie bakes, thanksgiving and a whole lot of Christmas parties…

Design + Build

Family Fun Night

November 20, 2015

Nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family, especially when we are working on projects together in the garage. Now that Greyson is 1 he wants to be…

Design + Build

5 Best Home Improvement Tips this Winter

November 18, 2015

Winter is fast approaching and it’s that time of the year again. We’re talking about the time when you have to prepare your home for the chill of winter. While…