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Design + Build

bye, bye popcorn

December 2, 2013

Day 1 of demolition! First task was tearing out all of the carpet and scraping off the popcorn from the ceilings. We were able to finish the upstairs and even…

Design + Build

Home Sweet Home

November 28, 2013

Jamie and I couldn’t be more thankful this Thanksgiving. Tonight we closed on our very first home together as husband and wife. Jamie and I went and looked at the…

Design + Build

Deck Painting

November 21, 2013

One of the last projects we did on the house was painting the deck. We were dreading this task a little due to the Minnesota weather. We had to ensure…

Business Marketing

Minneapolis Bloggy Bootcamp

November 17, 2013
Minneapolis Bloggy Bootcamp 1

Well, it has been a little over a month since I attended Bloggy Bootcamp in Minneapolis and have been meaning to recap the entire experience since that day but haven’t…

Design + Build

Happy Halloween!

October 11, 2013

What to be for Halloween this year, that is the question? I LOVE dressing up, Jamie not so much, but he is a GREAT sport! Our first Halloween together we…