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What’s cooking over at c2s…

March 24, 2020
What's cooking over at c2s... | construction2style

Sooooo there’s no keeping this a secret any longer because I’m literally busting out of my pants (baby #3 is no joke in the belly department), have been having to quickly…

Our Personal Home + Family Lifestyle

Tips for Working from Home

March 17, 2020
Tips for Working from Home | construction2style

Even before most of the world began working from home, Morgan and I both have been working from home one to two days a week. Every week, we have our…

Our Personal Home + Family Lifestyle

Monster Jam Minneapolis

February 20, 2020
Monster Jam Minneapolis | construction2style

One of our little dudes’ favorite weekends – when Monster Jam comes to Minneapolis!  And an extra big thanks to Carrie The Moment this past weekend was extra special because…

Our Personal Home + Family Lifestyle

DIY Your Staircase Railing | Tips & Tricks

January 9, 2020
Tips & Tricks to DIY Your Staircase Railing

DIY Your Staircase Railing If you all remember back in May, we said goodbye to our poopy carpet in our main level living room, our lower level, and on the…

Our Personal Home + Family Lifestyle

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

December 24, 2019
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 2

We had every intention to send cards out this year, even got the family photos taken. But to be honest it was kind of stressing me out this year so…