The boys’ new favorite hobby is painting! They’ve really been into painting all of their toys and especially their little toy cars. The other day, I walked into their room, and they even went and painted their table and chairs that they use for their craft station. Guess we couldn’t really be mad at them!
It’s also fun to see their creativity through paint. And Greyson is really detailed orientated when it comes to painting his toy cars. Jamie and I jokingly say how he’s going to grow up to be a car detailer someday…and he just might! But for how much they are painting every day also means they go through a lot of paint! The dollar store paints aren’t keeping up with their demand, so we decided to make our own! Greyson enjoys mixing up and creating his own colors, so this was a fun project to do with the boys and show them just how they could create their own custom colors.
And the best part about this DIY project is that you only need four ingredients and you probably already have them in your cupboards, so it’s pretty inexpensive.
How to Make Homemade Paint
A simple, inexpensive way to get creative with your kids! DIY homemade paint that only requires 4 main ingredients.
- 1 cup Flower
- 1 cup Water
- 1 cup Salt
- Food Coloring
- Bowl
- Measuring cup
- Spoon
- Handheld Mixer or Mixing Spoon
- Container for Paint or Sandwich size Ziplock bag
The best thing about making your kids DIY paint is that it only requires 4 ingredients, and I bet you have all of them in your cabinets right now.
All you need is flour, water, salt and food coloring. All of which are equal parts, so depending on how much paint you want will depend on how much you make. We did 1 cup of each: flour, water, and salt and made three different colors that each filled half of one sandwich size Ziplock bag.
To make your paint, all you need to do is combine 1 cup of these three ingredients: flour, salt, and water and mix together. Being Greyson was doing the mixing he used an electric mixer but a hand held spoon will do the trick too.
Once the three main ingredients are mixed together, separate them into three different containers and add in the food coloring to make your paint colors.
And then get your creative juices flowing because it's time to start painting with your littles!
Not only is this an inexpensive and fun project to do with your kids, but it is also so rewarding for them! Greyson is always so proud when he creates something, especially when he paints something. Now that he can say that he also made the paint and knows exactly how is pretty priceless.
And best of all, the paint dries really fast once on paper!
It’s pretty cool to mix up custom colors and to teach your littles how to mix certain colors to create a different color. Through this project I actually got educated myself once again on how to come up with certain colors.
Once the paint is done, you can find paint containers off Amazon or in the Dollar Store, but for us, we’ve just put them into old Rubbermaid containers or leftover deli meat containers we save for projects like these. We’ve also done a batch where we put a little less water into it to make it a tad thicker, and then put them into ziplock bags. Then once they’re ready to paint, we clip one of the corners off of the edges, and they squeeze the paint out instead of using a paintbrush.
Hope you mommies and daddies enjoy this project because we know your littles sure will!
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