Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 1

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Hey friends, cheers to the weekend! It’s a deep cleaning kind of day in our home this weekend, and wanted to share some of our cleaning products with you all. We often get asked what kind of cleaning products we use on our engineered hardwood flooring, within our Shark vac, our quartz countertops, and cabinetry. It wasn’t long ago, we just remodeled a clients bathroom and their house cleaner used a product that quite literally ate the countertop away. I don’t know about you – but not only would that stink to have to replace the materials you’ve invested in, but also if that is eating away materials such as countertops – I wouldn’t want my toothbrush on that surface. 

Creating a clean, healthy living environment is a priority for many households today. However, traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can leave residues, irritate the skin, and affect indoor air quality. But thankfully, we have cleaning products such as essential oils that offer a natural, effective alternative for maintaining a toxin-free home. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can use essential oils and a selection of high-quality products to keep your home sparkling clean, smelling fresh, and free from harmful toxins.

Why Choose Essential Oils for Cleaning?

Essential oils are derived from plants and have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. When it comes to cleaning, they provide several benefits such as: 

  1. Non-toxic: Essential oils are free from the harsh chemicals found in many commercial cleaners, making them safer for you, your family, and the environment.
  2. Effective: Many essential oils have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, making them potent cleaning agents
  3. Pleasant Aroma: Unlike chemical cleaners, which often have strong, unpleasant odors, essential oils leave your home smelling fresh and inviting.
  4. Surface Friendly: Essential oil-based cleaners are gentle on surfaces, helping to preserve the integrity and appearance of your home.

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Favorite Essential Oils and Products for a Toxin-Free Home

1. abōde Microfiber Cloths

These have changed my life. I have always been a big fan of Microfiber cloths so not gonna lie, I was hesitant on investing in the doTerra brand, as I had alternative options. Then I decided it was time that I needed some fresh ones, so bought these on my last order and I was like okkkkk, yep – you can tell the difference.

These are a must-have for cleaning not only while using essential oils. They can be used dry, just simply with water only, or an essential oil solution. I know use these for not only deep cleaning, but also my everyday dishes and countertop wipe down cleaning, as well as my body and face daily – for both me and the kids.

The abōde Microfiber Cloths are designed for superior performance, effectively trapping dust, dirt, and grime without the need for chemical cleaners and rather essential oils. Simply apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the cloth for added cleaning power and a refreshing scent.

2. abōde Multi-Purpose Surface Cleaner Concentrate 

This is what you see me using in this Instagram video, along with the Microfiber rag. This is a convenient, ready-to-use solution, the abōde Multi-Purpose Cleaner is infused with essential oils and designed to tackle a variety of cleaning tasks, if you don’t want to whip up your own concoction. It’s perfect for countertops, appliances, and other hard surfaces, leaving them clean and free from toxins. This cleaner not only works efficiently but also leaves a pleasant aroma, thanks to the blend of essential oils it contains.

The naturally powerful, plant-based formula of abode Multi-Purpose Surface Cleaner Concentrate is free of phosphates, sulfates, phthalates, dyes, and chlorine. The key component of the proprietary blend of CPTG® essential oils in the cleaner is thymol, which is widely known for its powerful cleansing and purifying properties. The concentrate also includes Lime, Litsea, Cassia, Lemon Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Arborvitae, Kochii Eucalyptus, Cilantro, Lavandin and Lemon Myrtle.

The spray can be used where food is prepared and in bathrooms, as well as on countertops, fixtures, walls, finished wood, and tile floors, to help keep your home spotless and smelling fresh. Formulated using simple, pure, and natural ingredients, the entire abode product line is made for the conscious consumer.

With this convenient multipack, you’ll always have enough abode Multi-Purpose Surface Cleaner Concentrate on hand to keep your home clean and smelling lovely.

3. On Guard Cleaner Concentrate

The On Guard Cleaner Concentrate combines the protective benefits of the proprietary On Guard essential oil blend with the convenience of a multi-purpose cleaner. This concentrate is perfect for cleaning kitchen counters, bathroom surfaces, and even floors. It harnesses the power of essential oils like Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary, providing a natural and effective way to clean and disinfect your home.

4. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is a cleaning powerhouse. Its natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties make it ideal for cutting through grease and grime. Use it to freshen up your kitchen by adding a few drops to your dishwashing routine or create an all-purpose cleaner by mixing it with water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Lemon oil leaves behind a bright, citrusy scent that can uplift any room.

5. Oregano Essential Oil

Known for its strong antimicrobial properties, oregano essential oil is a great addition to your cleaning arsenal. It’s particularly effective for tackling mold and mildew. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle to clean and disinfect bathroom tiles, shower curtains, and other high-moisture areas. Due to its potency, always dilute oregano oil before use.

Oregano, a popular cooking spice, acts as a powerful cleansing agent and may exhibit antioxidant properties when ingested because of its main chemical component, carvacrol—extending its uses far beyond the kitchen.*

It’s among the most potent and powerful essential oils and has been used for centuries in traditional health practices. One drop taken internally each day can help maintain a healthy inflammatory response.* Oregano also supports healthy digestion and respiratory function when taken internally.* Its strong, herbaceous aroma enhances and equalizes essential oil blends.

Use caution when inhaling or diffusing Oregano essential oil, using only one to two drops, and dilute when applying to the skin.

6. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is renowned for its powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It’s an excellent choice for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces in your home. Use it to create your own homemade disinfectant spray by combining tea tree oil with water and white vinegar. You can also add it to your laundry to freshen up towels and linens.

Do & Don’t Cleaners

I know I’m not alone when it comes to these Don’ts of cleaners. EEEEK! Guilty. I quite honestly never thought it was a big deal, until I did a bit of educating myself. Not gonna lie, I’m still really bummed about Mrs. Meyers and still am using up some of the hand soaps in our home, as I love the branding – look and smell. But I’ve found cleaner and much more enjoyable options now! 

Here’s a few swaps we’ve been making in our home when it comes to kitchen and the laundry room. 

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 2

Dishwasher Pods

Imagine chatting with a close pal about your dazzling, sparkling dishes. These dishwasher pods are your secret weapon, blasting away food bits and stains with ease. These powerhouse pods are packed with natural enzymes and pure CPTG® essential oils – no nasties like phosphates or dyes here! Your dishes will twinkle and smell fresh as a daisy, all thanks to these plant-based wonders. Pick up a 24 count bag for the full dish-washing experience. Crafted with care using simple, natural ingredients, the entire doTERRA abode range is a dream come true for eco-conscious folks like us. 

Dish Soap

This plant-based liquid soap is like having a trusty friend in your home, ready to tackle any dish or pot. Made without any harsh chemicals, it’s gentle on your hands and tough on grime. The blend of essential oils adds a refreshing twist to your cleaning routine, leaving a zesty citrus scent in the air. Packaged in a chic recyclable bottle, it’s a stylish addition to your kitchen. So say goodbye to dull dishes and hello to sparkling clean with doTERRA abode! 

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 3

Laundry Pods

Pods or detergent, always a personal preference here! Either way – you can’t go with with doTERRA products. Their Laundry Pods are like your laundry’s best friend. They dive deep to clean, banish stains, and keep colors bright. These little powerhouses pack a punch, leaving your laundry vibrant and fresh every time. 

On Guard Laundry Detergent

doTERRA On Guard Laundry Detergent – a powerhouse in a tiny bottle! With just 10 milliliters of doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend and bio-originated enzymes, this detergent is a stain-fighting champ! It’s like having a laundry superhero in your home, ready to tackle stains and leave your clothes sparkling clean. Plus, it’s color-safe for all fabrics, eco-friendly, and free of harsh chemicals – a safe bet for your family and the planet! And get this – one bottle lasts through a whopping 64 loads of laundry! 

Dryer Balls

These wool dryer balls from New Zealand are like your laundry’s new best friend! Swap out those dryer sheets for these eco-friendly balls that work wonders on all fabrics. Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the balls, pop them in the dryer with your laundry, and voilà! Your clothes will come out softer, less wrinkled, and smelling absolutely delightful. Plus, these reusable doTERRA abōde Dryer Balls come in a cute cotton bag for easy storage. Laundry day just got a whole lot more fun!

DIY Cleaning Recipes

Discover a collection of easy do-it-yourself recipes for creating effective and natural essential oil cleaners to keep your home fresh and clean. We have a few different recipe concoctions for you here – if you download our cleaning E-book, click and download here

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 4

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 5 

Using essential oils for cleaning not only helps maintain a toxin-free home but also brings the added benefits of natural antimicrobial properties, pleasant aromas, and surface-friendly formulas. By incorporating products like abōde Microfiber Cloths, On Guard Cleaner Concentrate, and various essential oils into your cleaning routine, you can achieve a cleaner, healthier living environment. So, why not make the switch today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a naturally clean home?

Download the c2s Cleaning E-Book

I love a good deep clean and DIY day and I actually have fun making all of my cleaning products! In thisCleaning E Book Guide  there are a ton of recipes that I use, and here are all of the essential oils and cleaner concentrates I use to make them.

Our Favorite Home Cleaning Products 6  

Quick & Easy Product Links

You can shop, all of my favorite toxin-free kitchen items here. Here are all of my favorite products for the laundry room, and here’s a quick bullet point list of what I’ve referenced in this entire blog post – if you’re looking for just one exaxct product. 


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