Our Wedding Thank You’s

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Jamie and I finally finished our wedding Thank You’s just in time for the New Year!

I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that they actually enjoyed writing their thank you’s. Though it may not be the most fun thing in the world, I didn’t think it was that bad. I rather enjoyed reflecting back on our wedding and thinking about how generous everyone was and how lucky Jamie and I are. Remember getting a wedding gift is a privilege. I think too many times newlyweds go the wrong way about writing their thank you’s and get stressed out. I think they feel rushed and just want to get it over with. This is how Jamie and I went about it…

1. Take your time. Don’t rush yourself. We took the first month…okay maybe even two…to enjoy one another and ourselves without projects to do. We had spent the few month’s prior with one too many to-do lists. Take your time. No-one put a time limit on this.

2. Be genuine. Be Thankful. When you have written enough, be done. Don’t tell yourselves you need to do an exact amount each night until you are done. When we got tired after 5, we quit. Otherwise they don’t become genuine. You want genuine. You want to really be thankful. Be sincere. Show your appreciation.

3. Be conversational. Let people know what you are using the gift for or what you are going to use the money for. State what they gave you, how you will use it, and why you love it.

4. Don’t forget. Don’t just thank them for the gift they gave you that day. If they helped you with the wedding or have showed you the vaules of what you want your marriage to be, thank them, acknowledge those important things.

5. Do it together. We made a date night out of it.  I have had friends where she had to do all of them or he did his family and she did hers. I guess this is really up to the couple. Jamie and I both decided that we were going to each say thank you to everyone (I know, I have a pretty AWESOME husband!!)

Below is the thank you’s Jamie’s friend, Lee, created for us. They were perfect. Being we got them done just in time for Christmas, we were able to kill two birds with one stone! 🙂 We wrote our personal Thank you notes on card-stock paper and slipped them into the envelope. Jamie wrote on one side and I wrote on the other.


BackThankYouPhotography by: Jesse Guzik, Dressed in Pixels


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