Week two of the six weeks of the One Room Challenge with Jeffery Court is here! And it’s deemmmmooo day! Our least favorite day in the construction process, to be honest.
I mean…look at this mess! As if we don’t clean up enough every day chasing around two toddlers.
With demo day, the room is a mess, you’re a mess, and your entire house becomes a mess from all the construction dust. The actual demo can be kind of fun to let out some aggression, but then you have to clean it up.
We are pumped to demo out this bathroom and do something new and fun that we’ve never done in one of our homes before. If you missed it, you could rewind to our design post and what we’re doing in this space –> here.
Greyson loves helping mommy and daddy work! I mean LOVES it. He begs us almost every day to come to work with us and then when we have home improvement projects going on at home, it is impossible to do them without having him help. We love that he is eager to learn and already following in his daddy’s footsteps, but this also means it takes us 10x longer to do. But we let Greyson help a little bit today on demo day, and he made you a little tutorial.
Step one when demoing out a bathroom is shutting off all the water lines before you start disassembling everything and swinging that hammer.
Once the vanity was out, it was time to take apart the tub! We cut apart each of the panels and realized we have a lot more room behind the studs since we’re not putting a bathtub back in, so it looks like our walk-in shower is going to be a bit bigger than we realized. Score!
And I guess this is Jamie’s new photoshoot moves for you guys… haha!
We’re pulling this space together on nights and weekends with all of our free time, so when demo normally takes us 1-2 days for our clients, this took us one full week. Little by little, we chipped away, cleaned up, chipped away, cleaned up…you get it.
And our tiles arrived!! We picked these out without even looking at one sample in person, so we were pretty nervous, but we are in LOOOVE. The jury is still out on grout colors, but when it comes to our homes, we always leave that for the last minute anyways.
Can’t wait to keep plugging away and updating you guys on all the process. With four weeks to go, we gotta get cruising! Follow along on our Instagram stories for some behind the scenes madness.
Have a great week!
Morgan & Jamie
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