When was the last time you cleaned your closet? Or organized your closet? Went through your clothes? Does opening or walking into your closet every morning give you anxiety? Are you wearing the same handful of outfits week after week?
If it’s been awhile and you’re nodding to those questions, it’s time to take on this challenge!
Who’s ready to get their closet organization on?! And after watching Lauren from Neat Method transform our client’s bedroom closet that we’re about to share in this blog post, we are sure ready to tackle ours too! It’s amazing what organization can do to increase space and decrease anxiety.
We have tutorials on laundry room organization, kitchen cabinetry organization, workshop organization, office organization…and now it’s time to move into our bedroom closets.
Recognize your Closet Issues
The first thing you want to do is recognize what issues you have within your closet space, your wants, your needs, and what you want to achieve.
Do you need more room? Not enough storage space? Have a bad hanging system? No clear division of clothing? Drawers too deep or need drawers? Not even sure what you have hiding in there? A place for your jewelry?
Identifying your issues, needs, and wants will help you know what categories and products you need.
Remove Everything
Then you’ll want to take absolutely everything out of your closet.
And it’s time to sort, sort, and sort. Then edit, edit, edit. This means to sort through everything that is in your closet and think about all of the pieces. Think about the last time you used something and put them into different piles and categories. Do not even think about putting something back into your closet that you haven’t worn in the last year. Whether that is the past summer or past winter, be honest with yourself.
Identify your Categories
Once you start identifying your different categories, you’ll be able to figure out which one is the largest category. That’s where you start to figure out the new layout of your closet. Such as shirts, dresses, sweaters, jeans, work attire, going out clothes, gym clothes, shoes, etc. Put these categories into different piles.
Have the Right Products
Then once you know the different sizes of categories, you’ll know the right organization products to buy. There are a ton of products that you can put in closets, but thanks to our expert organizer Lauren, she recommends these top picks:
Incorporate a Dresser System
Have a dresser, but wish you didn’t? Incorporate a dresser system or drawers into the closet. We love Elfa systems by The Container Store. Lauren took everything that was in and on this dresser and made it all fit into our client’s closet, no problem.
From this…
To this…
Organize for the Season
Then you’ll want to put everything back according to what you wear, or the season it currently is, and make the current season and what you wear the most accessible. Take the other seasons using your Cloth or Canvas Lined Bins and store them up top and label them so you can quickly and easily grab them and swap them out.
Keep it Clean
And lastly, keep it clean! Not all mornings do we have the time to pick up the 10 outfit changes, but keep it the best you can – that helps to keep your organization 100% all the time! And I bet once you have an organized closet space, you’ll want to keep it that much cleaner as it’s a lot easier to put things away in their home quickly.
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