Our baby girl is here. And four weeks old today. HOW?!
October 14th, 2020 at 3:01 PM, Ellie Elaine Molitor was born.
Coming in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and 20 1/2 inches long of pure perfection.
Staring at our lil girl as I type this with a big smile on my face, I’m the happiest momma in the world right now. I want to take these feelings and bottle them up and pray they never go away.
I guess 2020 has been shaping up to end pretty well…and finally (3rd time around) so was our final baby’s birth.
A little bit about her birth story…
On Wednesday, October 14th, we woke up more than ready to meet our little girl. I had a cesarean birth scheduled at 2:00 at the Mother Baby Center in Minneapolis.
Initially, I thought this was going to make for a day full of anxiety and nerves being typically they schedule c-sections for the crack of dawn but for whatever reason ours was scheduled later in the day.
But unlike what I imagined, it was even better and was completely the other way around.
I thought I wouldn’t sleep at all the night prior but for the first time in a long time I slept throughout the night. I woke up at 6 AM, made the boys’ breakfast, and dad got them to school.
We got our final emails and checklists done, and house cleaned up, beds made, and were out the door by 11:00 AM to head to the hospital to be there for our check-in at noon.
It was a relaxing and calm morning and nerves were pretty limited. Our doula was there to meet us and of course, she made those final two hours stress-free. Thanks to Stephanie, we had talked through all past experiences, concerns … had been coached on, and because she knew how I was…she made sure to keep my mind focused on the best thing that was about to come!
A little after 2:00 I walked into the operating room and onto the table more than ready to meet our girl and at 3:01 PM I heard that perfect little voice of hers.
The surgery took a little longer than the last two times and that was because this time I also decided to have my tubes removed. No more babies for us! And I may or may not already be regretting that now as our perfect little Ellie lays here…I want 10 more of her…haha!
Despite having one pretty rough night during recovery, all else went seamlessly.
Something new I had never experienced with my past deliveries was that I had trapped air within me. Possibly because I was “open” a bit longer afterward for the tubal removal process, I’m not quite sure. But regardless…it was one of the most painful things I have ever felt.
It almost felt like contractions. I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pains and I could feel it coming on, then it would feel like one major painful contraction, and then it’d quickly pass. And over and over again, it went on throughout the night, every few minutes or so.
I started vomiting from the unbearable pain. And let’s say… that combination post-c-section is pretty awful. But luckily, it was only one night and didn’t come back again.
We were in the hospital a couple of nights and then headed home and I could barely wait for our little dudes to meet their sister. And we almost went home without a name…that was the big debate!
I had been brainstorming lists of names for months, and Jamie really only had a few he liked. We shared our list with you in a previous blog post and now looking back I’m laughing because Ellie wasn’t even on it.
My final favorite names were Navy, Saylor, and Stevie, and Jamie was set on Ellie. Ellie Elaine Molitor won in the end and now, of course, it couldn’t be any more perfect.
She’s named after her Great-Grandma Helen Elaine Bergland, one of our favorite people in the world. And this virus needs to go away so that she can meet her Grandma! We know she is going to love and adore her as much as we do.
The boys were both SO excited to meet her and have been the best big brothers over this past month.
Every morning that’s the first person they both want to see. Greyson is a bit more loving with Ellie and Beckam is a lot more fascinated by her “penis” AKA her umbilical cord. Ha! And now that it’s fallen off, he’s a little concerned…
It’s been nothing short of an adventure these last four weeks! It’s a wild circus in this household and we wouldn’t want it any other way.
She’s been sleeping as much as a baby does. We’ve had a few rough nights but I’ll say she’s sleeping a lot more than either of her brothers ever did so I’ll take it.
I went through these photos a million times and couldn’t help but to share them all with you. We were so excited for you all to meet Ellie and it truly means the world to have all of your love and support throughout this entire pregnancy journey. And we can’t wait for you all to get to know her more and more and watch her grow with us.
And a huge thank you to Samantha Cater for capturing our first family photos. We will cherish these photos forever and ever and ever.
Our outfit details are linked here for you all below.
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