Noah here.
The last time Morgan visited we talked about my RDAP Program (Residential Drug Abuse Program) that I was finishing up, and I had told her I was about to give them the final speech, which I had been practicing really hard on what I wanted to say.
I sent Morgan what I read to our class after wrapping up the drug abuse program, and she asked if she could share it with all of you. Of course, I said yes, but first wanted to give you a little background on what this means.
The speech was for our Milestone Ceremony, and we call it a milestone instead of graduation because recovery never ends, and graduation signals something is complete.
Whereas a milestone simply signals we have reached a point in our recovery worth celebrating.
Finishing RDAP is just the first step in my treatment and what it did for me was open my eyes to the different blinds that I had up in my own life. It also encouraged me to confront my problems from my past and present, as well as how to deal with my future decisions.
It is only the start, and now that I have a milestone I am staying involved in it through my correspondence with you and Narcotics Anonymous of which I attend two meetings a week.
If you want to learn more about my addiction story, click here to read a post I wrote about my own personal struggles with drug abuse.
So, here was my speech to my class…
Well, Group 186, we are here, and it was definitely a journey, to say the least. Together we shared lots of laughs and tears. I am proud to be up here today speaking on behalf of our group as I can honestly look every one of you in the eyes and say you have invested in my treatment.
What I want to talk about today is adversity, as that is something we will all certainly face throughout our lives. I also want to remind you that we have all already faced adversity multiple times throughout our time together in the program.
Early on in the program, we had two DTS’s leave, and there was uncertainty, but we persevered. Then we had two new DTS’s come in, and we had to adapt to new styles and expectations, but we again persevered.
When community members had setbacks, myself included, we didn’t just cast them aside; we rallied behind them. Finally, right when the program was winding down, we got a new DAP-C, but instead of fighting the change; once again, we persevered.
I have learned many lessons from my time in RDAP; a few being, there is always room for improvement; anyone can benefit from extra treatment; awfulizing is not actually a word in the dictionary; and how important the community is to recovery.
I will be the first to admit that I was skeptical when I came down to RDAP. I didn’t have any close friends in the program, and I didn’t think the staff could relate to me.
I quickly learned that I was wrong. Not only did I find out that the staff truly cared about us, but also there were people from all different walks of life that could relate to my struggles.
Trust was built, and friendships were formed.
Some of us are getting ready to go home, and others still have a little ways to go. Regardless of your circumstances, I encourage everyone here to find a way to stay involved, because remember; recovery never ends.
Thank you.
Hey Michele! Sent your message to Noah and here was his response…
“Hey Michele, thank you for your insight as you have lived what I am going through from my daughters perspective. I have already told my daughter multiple times she can ask me anything she wants when she has questions, but because she is only 8 years old she hasn’t built that courage or maybe doesn’t fully understand the whole reality that comes with incarcerations. I think she knows more then she shares but I guess I am maybe just lucky that she hasn’t started to hit me with those hard questions yet. She doesn’t even ask when am I coming home, only when I do come home do I come straight home or go to a sober livings like her mother was in recently. Your brother has put you in a tricky situation and I encourage you to not give up hope on him, but until you start to hear it in his words, and he starts to acknowledge that he screwed up. I’ll let you know right now- it’s not your fault that he hasn’t learned that quite yet or isn’t ready. One time I was working underneath my brother and I told him I used to sell drugs and that is how I have spending money and rent money, and he told me if I ever went back and he found out about it he would turn me in. And the reality was I was still selling drugs regularly. When he said that I was kind of pissed off and realized I can’t trust my brother, but looking back now I realize how stupid and selfish those thoughts were… and so much more, still can’t believe those were my thoughts to this day. You did the right thing by turning him in because otherwise he would have never learned from it and next time he wanted to go find some place to jack, he would think, well my sis never did shit about it last time why not do it again. You have to put your family (excluding your brother) and your own safety first and then him and his sobriety second. When the time comes and he is ready to make amends you will know. Thank you for your message. Your feedback has been a big part of my recovery, so please keep reading and feel free to message me anytime. – Noah”
Wow, this just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story and for reading Noah’s. That makes me so happy that it gives you hope. Often times we find ourselves thinking Noah got too much time too but then realize it was just what he needed to get a clear mind. And that is really cool about your dad. That is one thing that Noah has said since day 1, not to lie to his daughter about where he is or what he’s done. I’ll be praying for you and your brother. And just sent this over to Noah too. These comments and stories mean the world to him. We’re not all too different after all. 🙂
Thank you so much Deaune! Noah sure appreciates the support.
Congratulations Noah on this huge milestone! These tools learned will continue to help you meet many more milestones for the rest of your life! It signals progress and self development which is always important and will be used many times in many ways moving forward in recovery and in your life! Good job on this huge accomplishment and commitment!
Hey Noah! My name is Michele and I’ve been following your journey. My brother is in a treatment court program after he broke into My house and robbed my family, including my 5 year old. Over $6000 was taken so i had to press charges. He was back into his meth addiction and a mess. He doesnt even know what he spent our money on. He was offered treatment court in lieu of prison. He has been sober a year but I’m finding his sobriety and his need to lie/steal seem to be independent of each other as he is still making me the bad guy for enforcing his restitution payments (he works full time). I want you to know you are helping me hold out faith that he may get there someday. That maybe we can have a relationship again. It’s not healthy for me right now but I pray he finds a path that works better. I truly believe prison would have served him better but this is what they decided on. My dad was in prison for dealing heroin when I was a kid. He was arrested droppi g me off to my 1st day of kindergarten and was released my last day of 7th grade. He is my best friend and we have an amazing relationship. I just wanted you to know that, that all hope is not lost woth your daughter. When she is old enpughnsit her down and tell her you are willing to answer honestly any and all questions she has. That was the turning point for my dad and I. I am 35 now and we have a better relationship than i could’ve ever imagined. Keep your head up ♡♡
One step at a time Noah! You have come so far. When you send Blog stuff to Morgan, can you tell us what the abbreviations stand for? DTS???
T for treatment?
And yes…my little words mean not much to me…BUT, if they help you have a better day…I will reply each time I read the blog. ????????‍♀️????????????