Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet

Our Stairs and Living Room Before | construction2style

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Well, if you catch our Instagram stories, you know all about our carpet situation over the past couple years…

The boys have had their share of blow-outs, cereal parties, and paint fails on every nook and cranny of carpet throughout our home. And now thanks to all the rain we’ve been getting, the ground was so wet it seeped through the foundation and into our basement.

So we’re throwing in the towel and saying goodbye to our carpet once and for all!

On the main level, we decided we’re not going to replace the carpet and instead carry our hardwood down from the kitchen and continue it into the main level living room.

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 1

We debated for a while on which one to do, carpet or hardwood? Jamie likes the warmth of carpet, but we decided since our mudroom is right off our living room it’s a high traffic area too, so wood it is!

Since we’re saying goodbye to our carpet, that also means it’s time to replace our trim and stair rail! So, we need your help!

Here’s the before…


Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 2


Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 3

Design Inspo

We’ve also been scheming and dreaming what to do with our stair rails for quite some time now…there are so many fun options. Here’s the inspo for the overall look we’re trying to achieve:

Stair Inspiration | construction2style

We know we want to incorporate two of these three: black, natural wood, and white. We would be able to do all three if we did wood on our stairs, but Jamie won’t allow it. Our stairs are pretty steep and high, and the last thing we need is our boys falling down them. I’m trying to convince him in just doing a runner, but we’ll see…

So, we need your help! Here are our top four options. Which one is your favorite?

1. Black Railing + Black Balusters + Black Newel

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 4

2. White Railing + Metal Balusters + White Newel

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 5

3. Black Railing + White Balusters + Black Newel

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 6

4. Wood Railing + White Balusters + Wood Newel

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 7

So what do you think? Comment below and help us out!

Can’t wait to take you on this carpet and stair rail journey!!

Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet 8

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29 thoughts on “Bye, bye, bye Poopy Carpet

  1. I think 1 is my fav , but I like 2 as well but maybe white railings get dirty quickly with kiddos ? Gosh and now I like 4 too … crap – too difficult to choose … sorry Iā€™m no help!

  2. haha, that’s what I was leaning to originally… because our base trim and door trim are white so it flows…. but then the kid fingers came in… BUT… they are so little are they touch is the spindles anyways… so… haha that just hit me!

  3. Iā€™m the odd one out here but I love number 2. Iā€™d say one is my second favorite. Canā€™t wait to see what you go with!

  4. That’s a good point! Especially being right off our kitchen we’re that busy backsplash is already the focal point. Thanks Judy!!

  5. We did think about that and it’s still an option but we have horizontal hardware on our cabinets are our boys are constantly pretending likes it’s a ladder so we’re a tad nervous they’ll do the same thing on the stairs! haha!

  6. Would you ever do black horizontal balusters? I think that would go well with your style.

  7. True that!! I probably should have shown a picture of our kitchen being that’s the style we’re going for. Thanks for your help!

  8. iā€™m not voting because jamie told me no too. damnit! ????????????

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