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Week 2, Guest Bath | DEMOOO DAY!

March 27, 2019
Jeffery Court Design Challenge - Week Two | construction2style

Week two of the six weeks of the One Room Challenge with Jeffery Court is here! And it’s deemmmmooo day! Our least favorite day in the construction process, to be…


7 Best Countertop Options

March 19, 2019
Countertop options

Let’s talk Countertop Options!  One of the biggest questions and debates our clients have when starting to design out their remodel is – what countertop option should they choose? Is…


Week 1, Guest Bath | Design Challenge

March 15, 2019
Jeffery Court Design Challenge Week One | construction2style

We are so happy to share that we’re joining the Jeffery Court Renovation Challenge. We’ve never done a renovation challenge before, so this is all new territory for us! If you’re…