Remember when I told you after the c2s crew went to see Noah this past November that he had some ideas that he shared with us and wanted to do upon release with c2s?
Well, it’s time to fill you all in! And we couldn’t be more excited to see where this next chapter leads us and some of you.
Towards the end of our second-day visiting with Noah, he chatted about a few possible ways to expand the c2s brand and shared some ideas about maybe creating another branch off of it.
One of the bigger ideas he chatted through was how he wants to continue to assist people who are having their struggles like he once went through. Whether its mental health, addiction, incarceration, getting back on your feet, etc. Regardless of whatever it is, it’s assisting people that are looking to turn their life around and become someone better.
Noah talked about wanting to provide a platform for those people to share their stories just like c2s has done for him.
And, as a team, we couldn’t have been more on board. When we got home that weekend, Jamie and I chatted for hours on what we wanted this to look like and how we could make it work and we got to work that day.
Just as we learned when developing construction2style, coming up with a name is the hardest. Together we all jotted down hundreds of ideas and sent them back and forth to one another and bounced ideas off of friends and family. Nothing was really jumping out right away, and we all agreed, we wanted to have purpose and meaning behind what the name meant. And finally, this past month Noah came up with…drum roll…resilience2reform! This will be a new website, platform, and a branch of construction2style.
I asked Noah to share with you guys how he came up with this name, what it stands for, and where he sees this new platform going, and this is what he said…
From Noah:
resilience2reform is a platform that will give a voice to those who are going through changes in their lives, no matter how simple or complex, and are willing and wanting to improve their situations.
When I was at the depths of my addiction I knew I could do better. I knew I wanted to stop. But I couldn’t. I guess I didn’t know how or where to start. resilience2reform will be where you start.
I had many options for which way I could turn, but they all seemed unbearable at the time…shameful, I guess.
I am not one that wants to drag people to change because the majority of the time it’s time wasted, but I want the information to be available for when the person is ready.
It never hurts to extend the olive branch to someone who is hurting, because even if they don’t act immediately, they will in due time.
You don’t have to be in prison or an addict to contribute to this platform, it is much more.
One of my goals is to assist or be of service to both addicts and prisoners in the future and to help them with their transition into society. Help them realize their potential and show them a better way of life.
I also want to help people in the free world; single parents, unemployed, abused, addicted, and depressed, to name a few. Anyone who has something to say in a positive way, I want them to be heard, so others going through similar struggles can be assisted in some way, shape, or form.
I love the name, resilience2reform, because the way it sounds, how the double “R” rolls off your tongue, but also for what it stands for.
Resilience is withstanding shock or adjusting easily to change, something I have recently written about (see Resilience post), and something my friends and family know all too well.
It stands for my daughter, mom, brother and sister, Jamie and Britta, Dacotah, nieces and nephews, and all my friends and family members that have supported me before and during my incarceration. It’s because of them, reform for myself is even possible. This prison time could have only been the start of a long and prosperous criminal career. I could have taken what I knew, learned more, found better connections from either Texas, California, Washington, New York, or even Mexico, and built an enterprise that dwarfed my first.
But I chose reform.
Which is finding a different way, a better way.
I don’t think I know this platform’s full potential yet, but I know it’s going to be something real good. As long as everyone contributing is real, authentic, and shows up with the best intentions…the sky is the limit. And we’re excited to get started!
Working on the site and contributors now and we can’t wait to share more with you all soon.
From the inside & outside,
the c2s crew!
Don’t go chasing waterfalls everything is good in the neighborhood got a job living life on life‘s terms
Love you!! And thanks for being apart and supporting Noah since day one! Can’t wait to see where this leads him.
haha, thank you Mrs. Ruud!! It’s meant the world to have your support since day one! Your one of the many reasons that has pushed us to do this new adventure.
What a fabulous platform! I am so proud of all of you…. I can’t wait to see the future. …. and I repeat, Noah, you need a publisher!!