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Does it Matter how your Child was Born?

April 12, 2017
We're Expecting | construction2style

As I’ve been approaching my due date, all that has been weighing on my mind is delivery and whether or not I should attempt vaginal birth or schedule a C-section….


36 Weeks Baby Bumping

April 10, 2017
36 Weeks Baby Bumping 2

We’ve officially hit our 9-month mark! I’d say four weeks to go, but we decided to go ahead and schedule our second c-section for the 3rd of May, so we’ve…

Interior Design & Styling

Nursery Concept Boards

March 6, 2017

Alright you guys, it’s crunch time! We are officially 31 weeks along which means we have nine more weeks to go before our little bundle is here. And…the nursery still…


Baby Bump Homestretch

February 15, 2017
Baby Bump Homestretch 3

Hello 3rd trimester, we are officially on the homestretch!!!!! We are 28 weeks down with 12 more to go. I can’t believe how fast the time has passed. Even though…


Welcome to our New Home!

December 30, 2016
Welcome to our New Home! 4

Welcome to our new home you guys! We closed on this baby the 18th of December and moved in a few days after. We couldn’t think of a better way to…


Baby Molitor #2 is a…

December 29, 2016
Baby Molitor | Gender Reveal | construction2style

It’s crazy to think it’s been 2 1/2 years since we did one of these posts. And I have to say, our gender reveal was a lot more fun and…