Evidence of God | Noah’s Story

Evidence of God | Noah Bergland | construction2style

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Hey all, Noah here.

Leaving off from what I was talking about yesterday…the evidence to me of God moving in my life, instead of seeing it as coincidences.

But the more I listen to other people share the evidence that has occurred in their lives when it comes to God, the more I realize those same things are happening in mine — and happening in my life for the past who knows how long because I have just simply been too ignorant to acknowledge them.

Some of the more recent examples of evidence are… the other day when I had been wondering how Dacotah (my daughter’s mother) was doing because we hadn’t spoken in a while, I had been contemplating reaching out. What do you know there is an email from her checking in, asking me the same thing.

Also, just today I happen to be writing about faith and here comes a letter from my friend Diane who has been corresponding with me throughout my incarceration and she includes faith-related material, exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it, and it happens to be what I am currently blogging about.

Evidence of God | Noah Bergland | construction2style

At times when I am struggling emotionally and I am feeling down or downright depressed here comes a message from my sister giving me strength or encouragement, pictures of Melrose in the mail lifting my spirits, or a kind word in a letter.

The other week in another letter from Diane she told me how proud she was of me, and it just happened to be what I needed to hear that exact day at an exact time, and it moved me inside to the point where I almost cried, and it probably would have had I not been reading it in the TV room.

Sometimes it’s such a small gesture at the perfect time, and I always thought it to be a coincidence, but I am starting to realize it’s something much more.

Some of the things that happened during RDAP was the courage to reach out to some of the people I had wronged in my immediate family and to ask them to invest in my treatment. They wrote letters and told me what I had been and how I had affected them and the other people around me. They also told me who I had become and how proud of me they were. I also received forgiveness for the things I had done, which was freeing.

These are all more examples of evidence.

When I was finishing up RDAP, it would have been so easy just to be done with treatment, since I had technically fulfilled any legal obligations that my judge had recommended, but then my friend Dave comes into my life and suggests I give Narcotics Anonymous a try, so I did. It’s in there that I started to find this evidence that everything does happen for a reason. And I do not doubt that Dave was put in my life at that time for a reason to guide me in the direction I needed to go. I had always been waiting for a pull towards God in my life, and I think all I really needed was a little push.

There are so many things that have happened over my lifetime but to go through all of them on this post would simply take too long, but I wanted to share a few at least, and let everybody know where I am at in my recovery.

Thanks for listening!

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