I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of hostess gifts. I am a detail-oriented person, especially when it comes to having people over at my home.
I want to make sure everything goes exactly how I planned and expected. Clean towels, a candle burning in the bathroom in case someone has to take a shadoobs, and floors free of dog hair and my hair because we both shed, a lot.
We know how much work having an event or gathering at your home can be, and a gift for the hostess is a great way to bring something to say thanks. It does not have to be big, but my one rule is that it should NOT be something to share that day. If you want to bring a casserole, good on ya, but by no means is that a hostess gift.
As with any gift-giving opportunity, think about the person first. Who are they, what life stage are they in, and what things make them belly laugh or get them excited to start the day?
Here are a couple of my favorite items, that I have purchased for hosts based on their interests and my connection to them.
The trendy friend. A micro purse. I think these are so fun and are usually not something people would ever buy for themselves. This particular style and price point mean you can gift one and keep one for yourself!
My Yogi Friend. In a passing conversation, she told me about how her towel was not cutting it during her first attempt at hot yoga. This fitness towel from Geometry will absorb alllllll the sweat.
They wash up nicely and do not stink, plus they are made with plastic bottles, so you can feel good about the Earth-friendly element of this gift.
A new mom. My friend just went back to work full-time after being home on extended maternity leave. I cannot imagine how hard this is, so keep it simple.
What can you give her that will allow her to spend all the time she can with her favorite little one, when she is back from work? Here are a couple of ideas:
A refillable journal. She can write down her thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Some day she may even decide to share these moments with her child. These can be personalized and believe it or not, refilled, if need be!
A mascara that is waterproof if mama needs to have a little cry, but it won’t make her cry when she tries to wash it off and her lashes won’t fall out.
A gift for my boss. This is tricky; you do not want to overdo it and it cannot be too personal either. Keep it professional, people! My current favorite is a seasonal luxury candle, so a pumpkin spice latte candle or a fan-favorite woodfire from Illume.
Did someone you love move to a new home? My sister-in-law brought us a nice bottle of wine, a freshly baked loaf of bread, and a salt box, just like this salt box featured in the c2s Shop.
This gift has become a well-known option because of the quote from George and Mary Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life. “Bread, that this house may never know hunger. Salt, that life may always have flavor. And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever.”
My mom. Thanksgiving is her jam and she loves a specific type of jam. After cooking our family a delightful Thanksgiving meal, I do not want her to have to worry about breakfast the next morning.
I make a point to order her favorite jam and bring her a loaf of fresh bread, so she can have some delicious toast in the morning and doesn’t have to cook; or she can head straight to those yummy day-after turkey sandwiches. Plus, a good jam is FIRE on a day-old turkey sandwich layered with stuffing. Trust me.
My mom-in-law. Something she loves and no one else seems to enjoy: black licorice! With a hostess gift like that, she won’t ever feel like she should share.
She is one of the most thoughtful humans I have met, so it is nice to be able to surprise her with some fancy licorice or one of those jelly bean bags that only have black jelly beans in them.
For your friend that is the hardest to purchase for, there is another excellent option at the c2s Shop. These super chic matches and match holders were recently added to the shop.
They are stunning in person and will look beautiful on a mantle, a tablescape, or tucked into a built-in. They are a luxury your recipient will admire, but probably has not thought to purchase for themselves.
The best gifts are thoughtful. Taking a couple of minutes to look around for inspiration will ensure the hostess feels the love around the holidays!
- Micro Purse 2. Fitness Towel 3. Refillable Journal 4. Mascara 5. Seasonal Luxury Candle 6. c2s Shop Salt Box 7. Momma’s Jam 8. Jelly Beans 9. c2s Shop Matches + c2s Shop Match Holder
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