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8 Best Women’s Blazers

March 27, 2023
best women's blazers

Blazers are one of the most time-tested items in fashion, and every time a blazer comes up in a conversation I get super excited! Full disclosure: I am very biased.  I…


Women’s Mule Fashion Shoe Must Haves

October 31, 2022
Women's Mule Fashion Shoe Must Haves 11

We are back with more must-haves. Today, we are focusing on mule fashion shoes. Who doesn’t love a good mule fashion shoe? There is no doubt mules have been on…


Creative Hostess Gifts

October 27, 2022
hostess gift

I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of hostess gifts. I am a detail-oriented person, especially when it comes to having people over at my home….


Essential Winter Must Haves for 2022

October 25, 2022
Essential winter must haves

Dreading winter like me? Don’t worry we have some essential winter must haves for your wardrobe that will help you get through it. These are some things that make the…