Hey guys, Noah, here.
So I met Dennis when I was in the drug program, but it wasn’t the same way I met Mike.
Dennis was performing in the Christmas Talent Show that we had last year. He was singing an oldie, and his moves were trying to rival Elvis Presley. I remember being surprised how good his voice was, at least for karaoke, that is.
Dennis is a character and I guess that is one of the reasons I enjoy his company so much, he is a lot like me.
Most weekends in here, you will find him in the music room, either practicing his guitar playing or even practicing an original song he just put together, and he will pull people in one by one to see what they think. Either that or he will be doing karaoke, and before you know it, there are 10-15 people in there having a hell of a time.
He is one of those people who has shown me that you don’t need drugs and alcohol to have a good time, as he said his sponsor showed him a few years back.
Dennis is also a member of the 12 step program that we’re apart of, and he works the program like his life depends on it. If you were to ask him why he does it, he would probably tell you because his life depends on it.
This is his seventh number, which means it’s his seventh time serving time, whether that is the state or the feds, and he knows that he is out of chances.
Much like Mike, Dennis had a tough childhood, full of abandonment and foster care, and he struggles to this day because of it.
He has found something that works for him, and he is holding onto it with everything he has left.
I believe in Dennis, and for that reason, I will be bringing his story and message to the blog.
He has a lot to say, and I hope you get something out of it, because I know I have.
Thanks for listening!
Ohhhh Nicole, I’ve heard so many great things about you! You are so loved. And you have one special dad. XOXO
I wish words could describe how coming to this blog and reading this made me feel. Thank you for sharing my father’s story, listening, and believing in him!